Youth of Today @ Glasshouse 6/5/2011
I walked in as Mouthpiece was setting up. Yes I had just heard minutes before I arrived... Curt from Chain of Strength was going to do True Till Death with Mouthpiece. I was beyond excited. Curt did a great job. Ed Mouthpiece dropped his bass and did a sweet stagedive towards the end of the song. It's been a long time since I've been tempted but there was a few times last night. Show was great considering there was a barrier. But that didn't stop Tim or Ray from jumping into the crowd and letting everyone sing along. Now on all honesty I did not think Youth of Today was going to be that GREAT! I saw them back at their last Fenders show and they were awesome then. I didn't think they were going to have that power and energy like they did 20 years ago. I was WRONG! The show was amazing... and the icing on the cake- covers of Minor Threat and 7 Seconds. It was a great show and I got to see lots of old and new friends. Biggest shout out goes to Tim McMahon for getting my camera in and letting me document this beautiful night.
Youth of Today
Youth of Today
Youth of Today
Youth of Today
Youth of Today
Youth of Today
Youth of Today
Youth of Today
Youth of Today

Youth of Today
Mouthpiece with Chains' Curtis (TRUE TILL DEATH)
All of the pics from the nights show are up on FLICKR!
I have some more buttons to hand out if you are interested come on up...
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